Friday, December 11, 2020


Mhlengi Shange 
Acrylic on painting 
65 x 100

Mhlengi Shange
Acrylic on paper 
133 x 150cm 

In my works, I am interested in a nostalgic look into my childhood. I am not sure why I am so drawn to my childhood but the process of art-making serves as a search for answers to that question.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Wireless Keyboard and mouse

My work explores perception. According to the dictionary, it is how people gather sensory information and assigning meaning to it.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Impaired Perception- (cartoonification/abstraction) by Damiyo


these are character breakdowns where I explore what makes a person look the way they do

 My concept is about my perception of reality. How I perceive the world around me as a visually impaired individual. I aimed to take focus in the exploration of the many different and interesting ways that my realities are distorted through my eye and to reinterpret them in a more artistic and visual manner that would allow others to experience the world through my perspective/perception that often gets somewhat confusing and unclear at times. looking down at what seems to be a 10cent coin. But only to realize it to actually be a drop of coffee once you get closer enough while attempting to collect it from the ground. Or of how almost each and every human figure at a distance seems to be a slightly varying replica of each other (look the same). However, there are some exception of forms I’ve familiarized myself with, figures of familiar angles and bends that I am able to recognize to a degree yet in most cases once I get closer it turns out not to be what I thought it to be. Which is the reason I decided to leave people’s identity ambiguous until I am close enough to confirm.


Egyptian style book written in braille. that mainly only blind people read

This is a book I made with paper Mache and wood glue. I initially intended for it to be my submission to the blind alphabet exhibition competition, but due to it not being ready on time because of the amount of time required for it to harden and completely dry. I ended up working further on it as part of my fine art sculpture module for this semester as it links really well with the concept that I am working with. I am using braille as the written language of this book

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Bandile Gumede

                                                         Name: Bandile Gumede
                                                         Title: Vendor
                                                         Year: 2020
                                                         Size: 92.5cm x 63.8cm
                                                         Medium: Acrylic on paper
                                                         Provenance: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

In this artwork I've portrayed a lady vendor who sells fruits and vegetables to survive. I'm trying to show how unemployment is a big societal issue. It features in my concept because my main theme deals with the analysis of acts that lead to corruption.

Monday, October 26, 2020



Name of the artist : Siyanda Mthembu
Title : Amatshitshi
Medium Charcoal on paper 
Size: A1
Date : 27 August 2020
Location: Durban City Campus
My Concept

 my concept speaks about celebrating  my rural area by depicting those things that happening in the rural ,The harsh lines and the perspective shows that I am deeply expressive and also shows that  I am proud about my background