Monday, October 26, 2020

Bandile Gumede

                                             Name: Bandile Gumede
                                             Title: Fake Traffic Cop
                                             Year: 2020
                                             Size: 96cm x 65.5cm
                                             Medium: Acrylic on paper
                                             Provenance: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

My concept deals with analyzing acts of corruption. It seeks to distinguish between abusing the privilege  of  being an adult (which leads to corruption) and earning respect. 

I am going to dwell much on the unpopular places, the ones least expected to be bearers of corruption. Sometimes the acts I will be portraying are not considered 'corruption' because of the times they have been repeated openly. Although differing from culture to culture, the expectation is that adults receive the highest level of respect, following a hierarchy system. This is the reason why I think most adults get away with almost everything bad they do in from of a younger person.

It seems society has accepted most forms of corruption because they have been continuously practiced for the longest of time. They have become a norm. Simultaneously, I am going to compare ethical and unethical behavior and show how they can both lead to corruption.

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