Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Amy Waller

Artist:  Amy Waller
Artwork:  Empty Ruins
Year:  2014
Medium:  Collage and Acrylic
Provenience:  Artsist Collection

During a painting module we looked into a theme of cityscapes. As a group we took a walk through the city of Durban. I took many photos and notes for reference. Above is the artwork  Empty Ruins, it is my own interpretation of the city. The expierence of the walk influenced how I painted  this artwork, as it effected my mood towards my subject matter. In the middle of the artwork is a black and white photocopy of a photo I took on the walk. I then used mixed media of acrylic and paper to expand the cityscape. The photocopied image represents the present while the painted cityscape portrays what the city will look like in the future, a city in ruins.

Below is the original photo taken on my city walk.:

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