Monday, September 1, 2014

Print making

Wandile Hadebe   21103259
Artist: Wandile Hadebe
Title: Brotherhood “hey I got your back”
Date: 2014
Size:  A3
Medium: silk screening
Price: R400
Wandile Hadebe   21103259
Artist: Wandile Hadebe
Title: Brotherhood “hey I got your back”
Date: 2014
Size:  A3
Medium: silk screening
Price: R400

Concept is about “Brotherhood (hey I got your back)”
Freedom of association
“Family isn't whose blood you carry, it's who you love and who loves you.”- Jackie Chan Spy Next Door. Brotherhood is about a group of people who are always there for you in any situation. I am inspired by people who are brothers who love and support beyond blood relation.

In the background there is a text which is about communications, because in every relationship there is communication. In the foreground there are hands touching each other showing togetherness in yellow the colour of the sun showing that there is brightness in being together. The figures are in red showing that they are blood related.

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