Monday, September 1, 2014

Artist: Sarah Kieswetter
Title: Are hospital’s good?
Medium: Silk screen, Mixed media
Size:  A1
Price: R700
Artist: Sarah Kieswetter
Title: Are hospital’s good?
Medium: Silk screen, Mixed media
Size:  A1
Price: R700

Artist statement

For this exhibition I have created mixed media artwork. The concept of my artwork is to question the standards of free health care that is meant to be provided to the citizens of South Africa.
I was inspired to do this art from a horrible experience and a story I heard in the media, where a pregnant woman was told to go home when she went to the hospital in labour and ended up giving birth on the street. This really made me question whether the health care is good.  Do these hospitals really save lives or do they end up making the patients sicker than they were to begin with? I first did  a silk screen of an x-ray of a human skull after that I then worked in other mediums including bleach, ink, and gaze. I tried to stick to mediums that would be used within a medical environment.

I wanted to create artwork that puts a sense of fear with in the viewer so that they can relate to the emotions that some of the patients go through. This is a work that I personally related to as one of my family members passed away due to a lack of medical attention received when she needed it most. 

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